Wednesday, April 29, 2009


My third year of university has ended. Kind of surreal. It was a good year. I'm really falling in love with Psych. And now it's summer. I'm unemployed until mid-May, so currently I'm just relaxing. But it's so weird. I've kind of forgotten how to relax. But I guess if you have to relearn something, it's a good thing to learn.

I'm catching up on reading, having bubble baths, taking time to learn more about God and dive into His word. I'm also alone with my thoughts. That's been interesting. Learning, thinking, dreaming, worrying. I guess it's all a part of the growth process. It's just kind of scary, thinking of things I've been avoiding for so long. And I feel like so much of my worrying is irrational. I don't understand my incessant need for worrying. I want to be a strong woman who trusts God with her problems and doesn't worry about everything.

I want to grow as a woman of God.

I want to seek His way for me.

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