The new year always seems to be a time of reflection and change for most people. For the first time in possibly forever, I'm one of those people. Sure, I liked to look back on the year and celebrate all the good things that happened. But this year is different.
2010 was easily one of the best years of my life. I married my best friend, we spent a week in New York [the best city in the world] and have spent the past six months enjoying married life in our lovely little apartment. So it's great to reflect on all that.
But 2011 has brought serious change. This is my last semester of my undergrad. Come May, I will be out of school, waiting to hear if I will continue to be in school or if I will need to take some time off. Having such an uncertain future is new for me. Thankfully I am surrounded by incredibly supportive people who are with me in the waiting and will be with me once I know what the fall will bring. But I know that whatever happens, it will be a brand new experience, so I am trying to prepare for whatever comes. The other big change is that Brian is looking for a new job. He has been with Sunterra for a long time, but has decided he needs to find a job that suits him better, where he can shine. So now he's in the process of researching careers, jobs and what's out there. It's a big change. I'm excited for him in this new beginning. But it's also all really scary. So we're trying to rely on God in hopes that He will provide for us and that He will help Brian discern the career path he should follow. We've been encouraged so far and feel blessed to have, again, such supportive people in our lives.
Please keep us in your prayers in this new year. Thank you for your love and support.
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