It's been so long since I last blogged, but I was inspired by a friend's blog to get back into it. I've been journalling a lot for my classes, so I haven't been journalling as much personally, let along blogging. But I'm trying to get back into this, as a break from school and a way to update people who I sadly haven't seen or talked to much lately.
I've been in school for almost a month now. It has flown by. The first week was crazy. Seriously. It was so overwhelming, with all new experiences, profs, classes, classmates and everything. I'm thankfully feeling more settled in now, but the time is going by so quickly. I'm having to remind myself to slow down and breathe, so that I don't miss these experiences but also so that it doesn't completely overwhelm me. I've met some absolutely wonderful people and am looking forward to spending the next two years with them. I'm so thankful for this opportunity. I'm trying to be grateful, rather than complaining about it. God has given me this path and I want to be joyful in following it.
Grad school has brought a lot of changes in my personal life. First of all, I would just like to say that I have the best husband ever. He is so patient and understanding. In our little bachelor suite, every little noise travels. I need a pretty quiet environment for studying, reading and writing, so when I'm doing that, he is so good about being quiet. I feel badly for creating such an environment and I know just how blessed I am that he is so considerate. I also really miss my friends. I have had some wonderful chances to see friends since school started, but I can already tell those times are disappearing (if not already gone). Besides Awaken, I don't have a lot of time set aside for social stuff. And sometimes, even if I am free, I'm too exhausted to do anything (such as right now, as I write this blog on a Saturday night- how cool am I?). So I absolutely miss my friends. I'm sorry if I have seemed like a bad friend. School is just taking up so much time and it needs to be a priority for me. I'm trying to skype more, so please catch me on there or give me a call if you miss me.
This is a new phase of life, a new beginning. Here's to being positive, not complaining and surviving by the grace of God. Thank you in advance for your prayers, support & love.