I still can't believe I've graduated. Maybe it will fully sink it once all my grades are officially in and submitted. But it's so unbelievable. It's been a long journey, beginning 5 years ago and ending on Friday. I'm so grateful for these past 5 years. I learned a lot about myself, especially when I switched majors, and I made some wonderful friends. And now I have my BA in Psychology with Honours. Yay!
Thank you to everyone who supported me in all kinds of ways through my degree. I couldn't have done it without you. You're all gifts from God to me. I love you all.
To all my friends who are still in uni, here's some things I learned in my undergrad that I wish someone had told me when I was starting and in school:
1. Get to know your profs. It's so helpful in terms of coursework and reference letters. Plus some of them are seriously awesome people.
2. Research is not that bad. Honours was one of the best parts of my degree. It was so time-consuming and took all my effort, but I learned so much.
3. Take the time to get to know people in your classes. Study groups can be very helpful. And before you know it, you may just become good friends.
4. It's okay if you don't know what you want to do with your degree. Don't let it freak you out. Take the time to research the field and find out what your passionate about. There's something out there for you to love doing.
5. Find a piece of happiness in every day, especially when school seems to be stressing you out and weighing you down. Happiness makes everything better.
Come September, I will officially be in the MSc in Counselling Psychology program at the UofC. I'm excited to be staying in Calgary, close to my family and friends, and I'm also really looking forward to all the opportunities of the program. I'm nervous, as everything will be new and it will apparently be heaps of work, but I'm so excited at the same time.
Bring on the nervous excitement.