It's official- I have been accepted to the Masters of Counselling program at TWO grad schools- Alder (in Vancouver and UofC). Brian and I have some big decisions to make. Plus I may hear more from other schools later. Who knows? But it's all very exciting.
It's such an answer to prayer. A couple nights ago, I was feeling really discouraged and stressed, about the uncertainty of it all. God knew exactly when I needed to hear this news, which is such a gift. God's timing is so much better than mine (which is a lesson I keep learning, over and over again. I can be so impatient. I'm thankful He keeps teaching me). This is an incredible way to begin Lent, being so reminded of God's faithfulness and the fact that He never leaves me, even when I lose sight of the good things He has for me.
God will always take care of me. How amazing.
I'm so excited for the opportunity to pursue an education in Counselling. I can't wait to learn, experience and grow, as a counsellor-in-the-making and as a person.
This has also reminded me of how blessed I am to be surrounded by amazing people. Thank you everyone, for your support, prayers and love, and the fact that no matter what decision I come to (with Brian, of course), I know you will continue to support me. You are all such gifts from God to me. How did I ever get to be so blessed?