The future is kind of terrifying.
And so exciting.
And unknown.
And a bit crazy?
I don't know. The future is a lot of things. The one thing I'm having to remind myself of constantly lately is that the future is in God's hands. I can stress out and freak out as much as I want, but that won't fix anything. I need to rely on God. If He wants me to get into the Honours program, then I will. If he wants me to go to grad school, then I will. And then He'll also decide where I go to grad school.
I guess my problem is that, for me, relying on God is easier said than done. I hear people talking about how competitive the Honours program is, knowing that grad school is even more so, and it scares me. I have this plan in mind, where I do Honours, then go to grad school, and become a counseling psychologist. I guess one of the main reasons I find it so hard to rely on God is that my plan won't work out if He knows it's not right for me, and I'm not very good at giving up control. But I know I need to. I know God knows what's best for me and has an amazing plan for me.
To all the people in my life who support and love me unconditionally- thank you. I know God has put you all in my life, and I am so blessed. I don't know what I'd do without you. And right now, I'd really appreciate your prayer as well. This is a crazy, intimidating, scary time. Thanks for holding my hand through this.