For the first time, I am discovering the experience of Lent.
I have said goodbye to sugary desserts, to rid myself of that craving, to find comfort in God instead of in comfort food and to just focus myself more on Him instead.
It’s only the second day and I’m already struggling. I really love dessert. But that’s the problem, isn’t it? So I know this will be a really challenging 40 days, but I’m hoping it’s challenging in a worthwhile and fulfilling way, and that it will bring me closer to God.
I’m so thankful for the support and prayer I’ve been receiving so far, and for those who are willing to keep me accountable. I appreciate you all more than you know.
I hope to truly deepen my relationship with God in these days leading up to Easter, and to learn what life can be like while He’s helping me conquer cravings, so that I turn my eyes and thoughts to Him.